CALLING ALL CAMPUS JOURNALISTS AND WRITING ENTHUSIASTS! Sinag Publishing and Printing Services will hold its much awaited Sinag JTS this coming February 12 and 26, Saturdays, from 8:00am to 6:00 pm at the LLC Gymnasium, Central 2 School, Calamba City Laguna.
The topics for these FREE SEMINARS are the following:
February 12, 2011 (Saturday)
- Editorial and Opinion Writing
- On Yearbook production from start to fining (targeted at school administrator and teachers)
- On News and Features Writing
- On Editorial Cartooning
- Tips on how to make creative sales and marketing collaterals for your school (brochures, fliers, giveaways)
- The Sinag Journalism Training Seminars are conducted for FREE and is OPEN TO ALL. No Registration fees will be collected from the participants of the said event. However, since this is a free event, kindly bring your own writing materials (notebooks and pens), packed lunch and merienda for each scheduled event.
- Teachers and student-participants are advised to come early (7:00 am) for the registration period before each seminar. Please bring your JTS I.D. (provided in the JTS Kit) and school I.D. if any (for verification).
- Each invited school is allowed to bring a maximum of 7-10 participants per school, excluding the teachers/advisers.
- Special Certificates of Attendance will be given by Sinag to all participants at the end of each event
- All interested parties MUST GO THROUGH THE PRE-REGISTRATION PROCEDURE and get their SINAG JTS PRE-REG KIT thru the SINAG SECRETARIAT. Those who do not pre-register will not have their written works included in the seminar workshops of the topic they choose to attend. So please, email us and pre-register your school or yourself (if not a student) with the Sinag JTS Secretariat. Thanks and see you there!
Interested parties should email us at sinagprinting@gmail.com and tambuli_press@yahoo.com so we can send you copies of
the Sinag JTS Pre-registration Kit.
So sign up now and join the Sinag JTS this February 2011!
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